Equine - Assisted Psychotherapy (EAP)
Equine-assisted counselling and psychotherapy (EAP) is a form of experimental therapy that involves interaction between clients and horses.
Sally will observe and interact with the client in order to identify behavior patterns and process thoughts and emotions. This process helps the clients learn about themselves and others, while processing or discussing the client's feelings, behaviors, and patterns. Sally as a Qualified counsellor can deepen the experience and support the client on a deeper level.
Sally will only work with clients on a one on one basis for Equine Assisted Counselling .
It is recommended that clients have a minimum of 4 weekly or fortnightly sessions.
What is Equine Assisted Counselling?
EAL Sessions
Sally can facilitate EAL on a one on one basis or for a group of 4 participants.
The sessions help clients to learn about themselves and others while processing emotions, feelings, and behaviours.
When facilitating a group Sally will have a helper who will use their knowledge of horses making sure that they are happy and safe and provide input from the horse’s perspective into the session.
It is advised that clients and groups follow the Horse wisdom program, to build on the psycho-education, can also be tailored to suit the goals and needs of clients.
The session may include several offers for the client to interact with the horse/s. These may include observing the herd, being mindful with the horses, meeting, grooming, and ground exercises such haltering, touching, leading, boundary experiments and making obstacles and inviting the horses to walk through them.
The Benefits of EAL :
Ability to work with beautiful, magical horses, in the fresh air and in nature and not inside.
Ability to say things to a horse that they possibly could not to humans- in a safe way.
Ability to touch the horse and the horse can touch the client-with mutual respect.
Ability to develop a sense of trust through interaction with the horse and with nature.
Ability to explore boundaries and develop a sense of safety.
Ability to experience and learn new things, for example: problem-solving, flexibility, independence, confidence, communication, assertive skills, boundaries.
Ability to discover more self-awareness.
​Black Beauty Equine Assisted Learning Therapy help our clients in social, emotional, cognitive, or behavioural ways.
Helping you to gain a better understanding about yourself and then have more ability to solve your personal problems while helping you explore and resolve issues that are interpersonal or personal in nature. The counsellor will focus on specific problems, helping you make changes in your life and fostering your wellbeing.
Sally likes to do her counselling sessions surrounded my nature wherever possible (weather depending) and potentially walk and talk or sit and talk under the trees.
As part of the counselling service with clients consent sally may choose to use to work with sand play or nature-based therapy.
Is a holistic approach to counselling where we will use miniature objects that represent all aspects of life, the client will clearly display their inner world. It is a deep process which shows the client what underlies the current situation that they are presenting. Sand play allows a movement within the client that is profound. It identifies unspoken issues and brings solutions. Sand play is for everyone. Children love it and adults marvel at it.
encourages participants to immerse their senses in nature and sally will provide therapeutic interventions that may incorporate, trees, plants, natural materials, and the elements of nature which can assist clients to feel better emotionally, physically, reduces blood pressure, heart rate, muscle tension, and the reduction and production of stress hormones.
Being in nature, or even viewing scenes of nature, reduces anger, fear, and stress and increases pleasant feelings.